Hi there, my name is Carlos Alberto Lopes da Cunha. I'm from Portugal and I live in a city named Trofa.
My birth date is 11-07-1977.
My favorites hobby's are listening music, going to the movies, chat in Mirc and to read.
My favorites musical groups are: Burzum, Mayhem, Ancient, Benediction, Dark Funeral, Deicide, Dissection, Emperor, Impaled Nazarene, Immortal, Moonspell, Pyogenesis, Orphaned Land, Amorphis, Paradise Lost, Mão Morta, Hole, Alice in Chains, Smashing Pumpkins, Rage Against the Machines…
My Favorites movies are: The silence of the lambs, Seven, The Piano, Stand by Me, Drakula…
My favorites books are : Mafalda (I just lover her), The coming of the king - by tolstoi, Die Verwandlung - By Kafka, and books about history, ancient people and mythology, specially the Nordic one.
The personalities I admire most are: Atila, Vlad Drakula, Alexandre the great, Elizabeth bathory, Fernão de Magalhães, the queen Nefertiti, Che, Napoleon, Jim Morrison, Marquis de Sade, Franz Kafka…
My e-mail is
[email protected] ([email protected]) !!! if you want to write to me plz do so, and say anything you want to.If u want to see my pic just
click here
Clik down here to see Some pics !!!
Some texts about history, ancient people and mythology!!!
Well… that’s it that’s all, Thx so much for wasting your miserable time in this sucking page !!! And don’t you forget to to sign my guest book or to write to e-mail and tell me what do u think of this page.
Just be happy :-)))))))